
Financial Accountability

In 2020 A Child’s Feeding Fund provided over 700,000 pounds of food valued at over $1 million. The agencies who received these lifesaving commodities provided nearly 272,000 meals to over 14,000 families. A Child’s Feeding Fund efficiency of operation results in nearly 99% of all product and money donations received going directly toward feeding hungry people instead of administration and fund raising as determined by the percentage of total expenses devoted to programs. In accordance with IRS regulations, A Child’s Feeding Fund files IRS form 990 annually. We also report in accordance with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Industry Audit Guide. You can check out copies of our current financial documentation for our first year of operations by using the following link:

Form 990
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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